Long long time no write already~~~
It's been almost more than 2 years I never touch my blog already... Been busy with many things for these 2 years.. Struggle to get my master as soon as possible, get a new job, new challenge, then got married... Too much thingS!!
Already worked as lecturer for almost 2 years. Now is stepping into third year of teaching.. There are many times when thought of creating another new blog to write about my experience in teaching, but seems like drag and drag again until today only can sit down and paint some new chapters in my small little space..
For 2 years teaching, learn to be more stronger and how to cope with students.. Different students always having different characters, different expectation towards lecturers and always when they are not doing well in any of their subjects we lecturers will be the one who to be blamed! Even if the subject syllabus is too much or too difficult, we will be the one who to be blamed!
This semester facing a class of students that made me headache! The class is too "political" for a students who are still studying.. Many things happened before in the class just because of their "GREEDS" to score better marks or grades in their subject. Human sometimes is really strange. Just bacause of "GREED" in many things e.g. money, power etc we can kill to each other in our own kind without mercy. And I see all these happening among my students and sadly to say that advice never change them.. They too attached to become a perfectionist!
As a lecturer, we are not only limited to teach the subject that we are responsible for but I personally feel that we should from time to time observing our students behavior and lead them to a better path and to be a better person. A student with perfect result but not perfect and kind thinking is still called as useless person! What should I do to help with these group of students in correcting their thinking? Is it our country's education that shape the students' mind in this way OR is it merely students themselves having the wrong thinking and attitude? Is it the examination grades is that important until the students have to be stabbing among themselves to each other? I guess it is the moments when we may need to start pondering the education quality in our country...