Thursday, October 30, 2008

Love & Marriage

Originally uploaded by sharonkee10
Hope to dedicate this blog to all my friends who are going to marry…

What is the meaning of love?

Love is when you looking into someone’s eyes,
And he/she able to sees everything you need.

Love is when the moment both of you,
Prepare to share the life through the entire thick and thins,
Whether the day is rainy or shines.

Love is the moment when you see and love an imperfect person,
As somebody who is completely perfect.

Love is living in everybody’s heart.
Life without love is like a sunless garden when all the flowers are dead.
It shines and showering everybody’s colorless life.


How about the marriage? What is a good marriage developed on?

Marriage is a promise of love with our love one...
Marriage is a path for both loving couples to walk through their whole life together, hand in hand, highlights and downs in life...
Marriage always needs both parties to work out together, to make it grow.

Marriage is a love bank for both couples.
Both couples are keeping depositing their love into the love bank from time to time.
If either one of them keep on withdrawing the love units from the bank,
Bank will turn into imbalance and overdraft.
Marriage will turn into disaster where affairs, divorcing cases will happen.

Different people always have different perspective towards marriage.
Some ladies treat the affection as one of the most important emotional needs in her marriage but her husband not necessary having the same thinking.
How about yours? What is your thinking?

Even if divorcing cases are increasing in our society nowadays,
But still I have the strong belief in my own marriage.
So do those couples who are going to marry.
May everybody’s marriage is a wonderful and joyous path~!

To those who already getting married, or those who are going to marry~~

The moment we promise to each other for marriage
You will be the one that I laugh with
As we share life’s wonderous zest,
You are the one I live for
Because the world seems brighter,
You are the one I love with every fiber of my soul.

I promise you with all my heart’s devotion;
A smile to chase away your tears of sorrow;
I wish to promise you a life of sunshine;
To brighten your colorless world;
I wish to paint the stars in the evening;
Draw the touch of love and grace
Softly fall on your moonlit face;
A love that's ever true and ever growing;
A hand to hold in yours through each tomorrow;

Love binds the mystic tie,
Blest is the bridal hour~~

Sunday, October 26, 2008

yEsteRday?? tOday? oR TomoRrow??

tOday? oR TomoRrow??
tOday? oR TomoRrow??,
originally uploaded by sharonkee10.
Yesterday are only memories...
We never have the chance go back to yesterday..
Whether right or wrong,
No matter good or bad;
Everything has flew away with YesTerDay already...

Today is our present...
A present that we should grasp,
To appreciate every moment and live in passion...
A day where we have always to take it as granted,
To live it to its fullest..
Live, love, and grow

Tomorrow is another chance, another day
A day to do what is right;
A day to correct the wrongs of yesterday;
A day to make someones day bright;
A day to spread kindness;
A day which brings us to move further away than our sadness;
But most of all it is another day to love....

So take yesterday
and Make today
A better day tomorrow..

For our better and brighter tomorrow, let's cheer~~! =)

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Coffee, tea Or me??!!

Coffee, tea Or me??!!
Originally uploaded by sharonkee10.

It was a memorable day when we were used to have tea time together;
in a lazying evening...
I would say that I like the tea time the most,
as it gives me a time of relaxation from all the workload and troubles of the day..
Sitting together with a group of close friends,
enjoying the evening's sunshine and slowly take in the coffee...
I would say I was very lucky as my previous working place allowed us to have this kind of 'relax time';
Some of my friends who are working in some places not even have the chance to taste the sweetness of evening,
sitting together with a group of friends,
and chat together...
My friend once told me before,
When we are feeling cold in the office,
drinking tea can help to warm us;
When we are too heated,
tea will help to cool us;
And when we are feeling depress,
the tea might able to help to cheer us up....
People who are having tea time together with me changing all the time...
When I was undergraduate,
I was having my precious tea time with a group of course mates or sometimes my best friends,
Sitting in the coffee shop and chatting until we forget our class..
That was yesterday when we were young...
A moment of sweet memory...
However, after I graduated,
Those people who are used to have tea together with me are seperated...
WE all coming from different places and we need to go back where we are coming from to go on with our life...
That's the life...
People said friends are changing every seasons..
Each seasons we might having different groups of friends...
Friends may come and go..
But the memories that we all sharing together once before might not fade easily...

Tea Time
Originally uploaded by sharonkee10
And now my tea time is always surrounded with my teaching workloads,
my students...
the tea time makes me think of friends who are sepearated from me...
I had a friend who was used to have tea time together with me most of the time...
But she is now staying in US, a far far place...
Where we can only contact to each other through emails and phones only..
the friendship still there as long as we always have the faith to each other.. =)
So, it is tea time again now...
I need to decide whom I am going to have tea with today...
Coffee, tea or me??

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

2nd Wedding Anniversary =)

Originally uploaded by sharonkee10
Today is my 2nd year of wedding anniversary. Time flies really fast. I already married for 2 years! No candle dinner, no seafood dinner, no cakes (got la, half only from secret recipe coz finish sold already~), no flower, no love letter, no surprise (coz we postpone our celebration, tmr got work, sleep better la~~! We stay at home and eat crab as our dinner main dish tonight). But still I feel very good.

When I was going to marry last time, all my friends around me warned me to become good wife to my current husband as they all thought that I will be the one who bully him. Instead of warning my husband not to bully me and treat me nicely, I was the one who get warned! My friends even said I am so lucky that I able to get marry as I am so so so fierce, bad temper, and "quite" dominant. GOSH! Is my image that bad or I am having a guilty look and my husband having a TOOOO innocent look?

Married at quite young age due to slightly big age gap with my husband. We are different 6 years old. According to some Chinese superstitous thinking, those couples who has a 6-year difference will hardly having "peaceful" marriage. In other words, they may always quarrel to each other even on small little matter. But as what I have experienced my 2 years marriage life, both of us are still ok and able to get along well.

NZ - Punting Ride
Originally uploaded by sharonkee10
But thinking back the year when I was getting married, everything was in rush! One day before my registration day was the day when I have to come over to TARC interview for lecturer job. One week before my wedding ceremony was the day when I have my final presentation for my master study. Whether I can pass my master or not, was depending on that presentation. >.< 3 months before my wedding, me and my husband have to paint the house (double storey house) coz I stingy to spend the money to hire other people to paint the house for me :P. The schedule was so so pack! But luckily we manage to get through all these and the final words that blurted out from both of us after the wedding dinner was "GOSH! Finally everything has over already!"

Me & Ah Tung
Originally uploaded by sharonkee10
Thinking back what all my friends has said "You should feel lucky that your husband wants to marry you', actually sometimes I feel like I am not really a good wife to be married. But frankly speaking, I am marrying a good husband (consider good la!) When I am sleeping sometimes, he mop and clean the house (I also got clean house sometimes one, ok?) When I want to cook dinner, he always is a good helper even though he may not know how to cook. At least, he can help me to peel off onions and garlics skins. After finish dinner every night, he will be the one who clean up the whole kitchen and wash all the dishes (I cooked the dinner). When the moment I am in the bad mood (sometimes may throw things everywhere in house and scream at him), he always have to be there to look at my bad face color! When I am feeling down and depress, he will always there for me whether it is rain or shine. He may not be a romantic type guy, but at least he make me feel warm and happy when I am together with him.

My Master Convocation~
Originally uploaded by sharonkee10
Love never can be measured that who is the one that contribute more. But I do believe that love need both parties to make it grow together. Love is a castle that we build in our hearts, cherish with our colourful memories, a place where we shall stay, live, laugh, cry, argue and share our life journey path together..

Happy Wedding Anniversary~

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I want to GAIN WeighT~~~~~~~!!!!!

Skinny Girraffe~~
Originally uploaded by sharonkee10
I was skinny ever since the day I was born. When I was small, my aunties said I look like an African kid with mal-nutrition look.. Even after I grow up, I am still skinnyyyyyyy!!

This is the problem that I face for so many years! My students asked me before, "Miss, why you so thin? You didn't eat ah?" So pathetic!

Some of my friends envy me, because no matter how much ice creams, chocolates and junk food I have taken, still there is not much effect on my body shape. But LORD knows how desperate I am to gain more weight!

Nowadays, more and more slimming centres are opening -- means more and more people are trying to make themselves to be thinner (in a lazy way). But I need to be going the opposite way. I am trying to gain weight! So far, I have never heard any weight gaining centre yet! So ironic!

People said eat more sweet food, roti canai, fried chicken and you will get fatter. Take more supper also is another way. But after trying all these methods, I still see no results. :( So anymore better methods to help me gain more weight in the natural way?! Suggestions PLZZZZZ!!!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Life is all about the choices~!

Originally uploaded by sharonkee10
Continuing from my previous blog, my friend chat with me over MSN 4 days ago and talked to me that most of time, we live for other people instead of us living for ourselves.

When we were small, our parents taught us everything on what we should do, and what we should not do or cannot do. When we reached the age of 18/19, it was the moment we want to make a choice on what to do next in our life. Again it is our parents that appeared on our path and asked us to study this and that. Sometimes, their intention is really good, but for some situations, it is too pressuring and burdening for us already. The guidance which were given by them is the life that they wanted, but not the life that we want to have for ourselves. The careers suggested by them to us maybe is their dream career. Really it is not ours.

I had an experience before when I became a counsellor during my college open day. I met a student with his parents who came over to our college seeking for guidance regarding the courses which are offered in our campus. What happened was the mother asked the son to study Software Engineering course, because she felt that course will have a very good future and high salary. On the other side, his father wanted him to study Business Information System course because he felt that the course is combining double major where his son can learn more things and able to have even brighter future. The son was sitting in the middle of them, looking left and right don't know what to choose. After that, I advised them to go back and think carefully. I emphasized to them that they should let their son make the choice based on his interest. If you WERE that son, what would you have done? Have you ever experience this kind of situations when your parents or somebody else trying to control over your choices, options and path in your life?

My student said, he was interested in becoming a vet initially. But due to his good result and his parent's "advice", he lost his faith and passion in his ambitions and dreams. I guess our Asian culture is different from American or European culture. Asian parents always directing their children what they have to do. Asians parents are in a way materialistic due to the nature of the country's policy and Asian culture of "kiasi" and "kiasu".

Study, work (must be of a high pay job), get married, have children, retire, getting older just like them, then slowly waiting to die. We all following the fixed "life formulas" that is already arranged nicely and properly thought out by our beloved parents. We never really live the life we wanted. No freedom to make the important life choices. We live because what others think how we should live.

But have you wondering that is this the choice of life that you *really* want? Or you just merely following the path that your parents had given to you just because you don't want to disappoint them and don't want to appear not filial to your parents? Sometimes, your parents may threathen you just so that you can follow their paths. They may even threathened to disown you.

My brother is very talented in drawing comics and cartoons. But due to our country's limited career choices and pressure from my parents, he ended up giving up his interest and study IT instead. So pathetic! Just because we want to make our parents happy and have no regrets in their life, but how about us? Don't they consider our own regrets? Sometimes our parents killed our dreams and aspirations indirectly because we regretted following their paths which is not what we wanted. How many REGRETS do we have?

When we are getting older and looking back what we have done, what we have chosen, we may feel a lot of regrets because these are not the choices or paths that we selected. Instead, we are just in the process of making other people happy. We live for others' people dreams and happiness, but not ours. In the end, we suffer silently and not happy.

Life is all about choices, When we cut away all those junks, every situation is a choice. We choose how we react to situations. We choose how people will affect our mood. We choose to be in a good mood or bad mood. The bottom line: It's our choice how we live our life.

Life choices~
Originally uploaded by sharonkee10
Start to ponder now. What path would you like to have in your life?

Monday, October 06, 2008

What WAS your ambition?!

Smiling Kids~
Originally uploaded by sharonkee10
I got to know that one of my lady student currently working as air stewardess in Korean Air. Read through her blog, she grumbling little bit that the life during the training to become an official air stewardess was really tough. She also wrote to tell me that the job is really tiring (She already completed her training and start to work now) coz the working hour is quite long and can as long as until 14 hours per trip!

But seeing she becoming air stewardess, makes me pondering little while and and I asked my husband a question, " What WAS your real ambition?"

I found that many friends around me not really work on something that they are interested in. The pay may be very high and very good, but they are not happy coz this is not the job they want. I had a friend, she loves music very much. But due to society realistic, culture, and family pressure, she in the end gave up her dream to persue the study in music degree course and currently working in IT field. Is she happy? I guess not.

My ambition was becoming a lawyer. But again due to pressure from my father (he said lawyer this job is not really an ethical career coz sometimes as a lawyer, we have to turn something false into true. Lawyers who read my blog, pls don't put in heart. My father just voiced his opinion only!), i ended up study IT course. But luckier than my friend, I manage to work as lecturer. Even though is not my original ambition, but at least I love my current job. It is a job that TALKS a lot too. :P

I have many other ambitions, but I guess it is hard to become real. I had a dream to become a TV host. Hope that I can sit in front camera, spreading the news to whole country people or even to whole world. I wish I were a chef, that can know how to cook many delicous food. I wish I were a make up artist or beautician too, to help other ladies in beauty knowledge and help to color up their face, make all the ladies to become pretty. My husband always encourage me to take some part time course, e.g. professional make up course, but sometimes too much commitments in life, making me keep on delaying this thoughts.

I guess one of the reasons many people in this country not able to work according to their interest is due to our country's culture too. Different from other country, Malaysia career is more limited. In Japan, a cartonist can earn a lot per annum. In FRance, a drawer can earn and live well. But how about in Malaysia??

Will our future generation ever step on the path we have taken? Work in the field that they never love? Unhappy to stay in their career. Lately read some news in newspaper that more and more small kids (5 - 6 years old) having pyschology problem and need to consult pyschology doctor or even depending on pills and medicine to sleep at night due to too high pressure given by their parents. Ballet class, piano class, tuition class etc making all these small little kids breatheless! They have lost their naive and wonderful childhood! What's wrong with our world now??

LEt's pray that our future generations can find that their smiles, their happiness and their childhood. Parents! DOn't pressure your children too much! Life is not only about becoming a professional or good doctor, lawyer, accountant etc. Life is an enjoyable process too... Let's make our future kids life to be more colorful and happier path!

Give back smiles to our future kids!! Life, always so beautiful~

Sunday, October 05, 2008

New semester, new hope~

After two weeks holiday (semester break), finally tomorrow back to work. Tomorrow will be my 3rd year, second semester in college to teach. Feel excited, happy as I am going to see my new batch of students on coming Tuesday.

Teaching is part of my career now. Many people may think that teaching is an easy job because we are teaching the same papers, same syllabus (may change little bit only from time to time), teaching on the same thing every year. But for me, this is not only about the teaching, but it is part of knowledge on how to managing people - students. I guess managing people is one of the most difficult knowldge in this world, huh?!

Originally uploaded by sharonkee10
For different semester, different group of students are behave differently. Among 3 schools of students I taught before, I love to teach my Engineering students the most. They are always a group of students who are respecting, initiative, hardworking and attentive during class. It is not to say that my the other two schools' of students (Business School - Marketing students & IT students) are not good, it is just sometimes their behavior and their thinking are little bit weird, I really don't know how to explain all these. Only GOD know when you are in my position.

Sometimes may feel want to give up on those lazy students, but still I not able to let go~ They are my students! I need to teach them, as mentioned before not only to be good and perfect in academic level, but of course how to be a human with proper behavior. Some students may not good in academic, but their attitude is good and enable them to survive "properly" in this reliastic world. I guess the better teaching way is communicate more with students.. To understand their world..

I always love my students. No doubt of it. I am trying my best to improving myself from time to time to be a better quality lecturer, to be a more understanding lecturer. A lecturer who understand my students' needs and a lecturer who which to shape my students becoming a better person.

Even though I grumbling so much about my teaching life, but still I have the moment when I feel contented. The happiest moment of teaching is when you can stand together with your students to take photo with them during their convocation. To share their success, to share all the happiness with them. That is the moment when I feel all the efforts that I have put in fruitful. It is a moment when I feel proud of myself.

Tomorrow is new semester. New semester, new hope. Hope I can get through another 14 weeks of challenging teaching weeks! =)


Friday, October 03, 2008

My wOnDerfuL liFe~!

Some moMentSSss of my LiFe~~