Sunday, October 31, 2004

sIck SicK siCk... fLU!!!!!!!!!!

I fell sick badly for few days already... Been taking MC for 3 days and stay at home... The days were very bad... Took medicine and sleep for whole day... Whole day 'blur blur'... Coz the of the medicine effect...Couldn't breathe properly... Having blocking nose and asthma... All bad things come at the same time... Didn't take bath for several days... YUCKS!!! I really cannot put on with this... But no choice!!! =(( I have to not to take... Else my sickness will be worsening...

Headache for whole day... "blur blur" for whole day... That's my life when I am sick... Boyfriend some more in Swiss there... Missing him plus the sickness, sigh... Hard for me to recover... I really hate to have flu... Coughing some more!!! Can't even eat my favorite food, ice creams and chocolates... However, today don’t so care anymore... Hahaha... Just take the ice cream and forget about those advices... Who cares??? I won't die so fast one...

My boss called me during afternoon... Blamed me that I spread the virus to him as well and caused him to take 3days MC just like me...What???!!! He himself body immune not good enough to fight my virus blame on me??? Hahaha... But who cares??? At least now not only me to have the flu, there is somebody accompany me... On this journey, I am not that lonely anymore... =)

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

mY PreciouS CD ~~ @_@

The only memories we all sharing together... It ties us together even if we are seperated...
Originally uploaded by sharonkee10.

After waiting for several months, finally my friend passed me the CD that I have waited for so long... It's the CD which contain the picture for my trip went to Langkawi... Thinking back, they owed me this piece of CD for several months already since we were back from that trip... It's not the matter of that piece of CD, but what do I am concern is the memories which are lie in those pictures... I guess these are the memories that I will never have already after my degree graduation...
The 3 years study has tied us up together but then after that, everybody is separate already... Some of the course mates went back to hometown already and gladly to say that we still contact to each other by hand phone, ICQ of course... Email... bla bla bla... Internet service so high technology now... Make the world so small... Even if those friends are at far, we still feel like very near and close...
Browse through the pictures in the CD that I just gotten, those sweet memories being together replay back vividly in my mind... Friends plus course mates... What we have gone through together when we were in Langkawi... How did we quarrel and shout to each other when we looked at the wrong map and gone to wrong destination... How did we stand under the hot sun and quarrel where we wanted to have our lunch... How did we decide to put whose head into crocodile's mouth when our visiting to crocodiles farm... Hahaha... Thinking these memories make me feel very funny... Looking back those days... All the paths that we have walked through... Although we were considered as adult already during that time, but we still quarrel like small little children... That were really great days... I guess that was the only memories that we all sharing together after we separated...
No matter where you all going, I always wish you all the best in your future... Farewell, my friends... Perhaps someday, somewhere we might able to meet up again and 'crazy' together again like previous old days... Or perhaps someday, somewhere when I see u all, you might be a father/mother of several children already... Let us wait and see... =) =)

tHree Leng Lui'S???? :P

tHree Leng Lui'S???? :P, originally uploaded by sharonkee10.

What ties us up together after we seperated after graduated??? I guess we all sharing the sweet memories that we have been together...

It's the special things in our life that make it means so much... It's the true friendships that we ever have.

mE anD eAgLE ^_^

mE anD eAgLE ^_^
Originally uploaded by sharonkee10.
Maybe it is the only and one chance in my life to have an eagle standing on my hand... Hahaha... Perhaps it's really scary.. But it was a precious moment for me...