Tuesday, October 21, 2008

2nd Wedding Anniversary =)

Originally uploaded by sharonkee10
Today is my 2nd year of wedding anniversary. Time flies really fast. I already married for 2 years! No candle dinner, no seafood dinner, no cakes (got la, half only from secret recipe coz finish sold already~), no flower, no love letter, no surprise (coz we postpone our celebration, tmr got work, sleep better la~~! We stay at home and eat crab as our dinner main dish tonight). But still I feel very good.

When I was going to marry last time, all my friends around me warned me to become good wife to my current husband as they all thought that I will be the one who bully him. Instead of warning my husband not to bully me and treat me nicely, I was the one who get warned! My friends even said I am so lucky that I able to get marry as I am so so so fierce, bad temper, and "quite" dominant. GOSH! Is my image that bad or I am having a guilty look and my husband having a TOOOO innocent look?

Married at quite young age due to slightly big age gap with my husband. We are different 6 years old. According to some Chinese superstitous thinking, those couples who has a 6-year difference will hardly having "peaceful" marriage. In other words, they may always quarrel to each other even on small little matter. But as what I have experienced my 2 years marriage life, both of us are still ok and able to get along well.

NZ - Punting Ride
Originally uploaded by sharonkee10
But thinking back the year when I was getting married, everything was in rush! One day before my registration day was the day when I have to come over to TARC interview for lecturer job. One week before my wedding ceremony was the day when I have my final presentation for my master study. Whether I can pass my master or not, was depending on that presentation. >.< 3 months before my wedding, me and my husband have to paint the house (double storey house) coz I stingy to spend the money to hire other people to paint the house for me :P. The schedule was so so pack! But luckily we manage to get through all these and the final words that blurted out from both of us after the wedding dinner was "GOSH! Finally everything has over already!"

Me & Ah Tung
Originally uploaded by sharonkee10
Thinking back what all my friends has said "You should feel lucky that your husband wants to marry you', actually sometimes I feel like I am not really a good wife to be married. But frankly speaking, I am marrying a good husband (consider good la!) When I am sleeping sometimes, he mop and clean the house (I also got clean house sometimes one, ok?) When I want to cook dinner, he always is a good helper even though he may not know how to cook. At least, he can help me to peel off onions and garlics skins. After finish dinner every night, he will be the one who clean up the whole kitchen and wash all the dishes (I cooked the dinner). When the moment I am in the bad mood (sometimes may throw things everywhere in house and scream at him), he always have to be there to look at my bad face color! When I am feeling down and depress, he will always there for me whether it is rain or shine. He may not be a romantic type guy, but at least he make me feel warm and happy when I am together with him.

My Master Convocation~
Originally uploaded by sharonkee10
Love never can be measured that who is the one that contribute more. But I do believe that love need both parties to make it grow together. Love is a castle that we build in our hearts, cherish with our colourful memories, a place where we shall stay, live, laugh, cry, argue and share our life journey path together..

Happy Wedding Anniversary~


Blogger ♥ jacqueline ♥ said...

miss kee....so sweet a....^^
ur wedding photo look nice...hehehe....
wish u happy always..and sweet sweet all the time..

10:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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10:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My Dearest Sharon,

Happy Wedding Anniversay To You! I have no regrets for the past 2 years, though it is not all that smooth sailing. Well, life is all about choices we made. I made an important choice two years ago and it made me a happier person and I know the choice is mine. Happiness and a sense of fulfillment is in living the choices we made with no regrets. We know not where the path will lead but the beauty of it lies in our steps that we made and the trail we leave behind. Take the road less travelled, not because it was taken before but because it is the road that you want to create that you can call your own. Life is short, so live and expand your comfort zone. The quality and happiness of life is proportional to the size of our comfort zone.

Ok ok...I start to deviate now... :-P

Well, I am innocent looking because of the circumstances, conditions and the way I was brought up. I also know that I am a bit "psychotic" sometimes. :-) I have a bit of temper. I feel sorry when I am in a bad mood and you have to put up with my tantrums. But you forgive me with all your love and understanding every time. I can't say more how much I am thankful for each day that I breath the air every morning, opening my eyes, waking up to hear your morning call, beautiful face, and voice and I thanked Buddha for such a wonderful life that I have now.

My loving wife, I do learn a lot from you for the past 5 years. I learn to be punctual for one thing. :-) I know I am like some of your students, not punctual. Secondly, you have thought me to be not so "hou ngap". I used to be a square face, straight guy when we first met. I realize many things in life, is not a straight path. Sometimes, we have to be more "creative" in solving and overcoming the problems (sounds like Tony Buzan?). I think I am improving on the aspect and the company I am working in, is my practise/training ground where I "ngap" other people...hahaha...:-D Either way, if we can't have the best of everything, then make the best of what we have. Thirdly, I have to thank you for bringing me to realize my actions and thoughts. I like the human behavior analysis and intellectual discussion we have from time to time regarding people and society. Sometimes, we cannot take everyone seriously but then not making ourselves appear stupid also. Emotional intelligence requires wisdom. Don't let go of our priorities and basic needs. I am still trying to understand more. It made me realize that people have two faces to live. One face is for presentation and another face is hidden, only known to very close people. But we have to be true to ourselves because we may cheat others but then in the end, we cannot cheat ourselves. Being true to ourselves will set us free.

My dearest wife, I love you. :-* :-x :-)

10:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Forget to add in that you are a 5-star cook. The food you cooked was as tasty and delicious as any of the best restaurant out there - fried kangkung, tomyam soup, seaweed soup, miso soup, chicken porridge, fried rice, char bee hoon, char mee, vege dishes, mee suah soup, etc. Thanks for all the good food you cook for me. I put on a few extra KGs just a few months after our marriage. I know I can't cook much except Maggi mee. :-( But, being alone for two days (when you went down KL for training) make me realize that it is not so easy to cook even the simple soup. I also find that you are a good planner, planning the daily household chores, although I do most of it but I am happy to do it. :-)))

11:08 PM  
Blogger DStrike said...

ms Kee ...
c get u n ur hubby so sweet ...
envy nia ... XD

Wish ur hapiness will last 4ever ...

2:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

[ 愛 是 恆 久 忍 耐 , 又 有 恩 慈 ; 愛 是 不 嫉 妒 ; 愛 是 不 自 誇 , 不 張 狂 , 不 做 害 羞 的 事 , 不 求 自 己 的 益 處 , 不 輕 易 發 怒 , 不 計 算 人 的 惡 , 不 喜 歡 不 義 , 只 喜 歡 真 理 ; 凡 事 包 容 , 凡 事 相 信 , 凡 事 盼 望 , 凡 事 忍 耐 。 愛 是 永 不 止 息 。 先 知 講 道 之 能 終 必 歸 於 無 有 ; 說 方 言 之 能 終 必 停 止 ; 知 識 也 終 必 歸 於 無 有 。 我 們 現 在 所 知 道 的 有 限 , 先 知 所 講 的 也 有 限 , 等 那 完 全 的 來 到 , 這 有 限 的 必 歸 於 無 有 了 。我 作 孩 子 的 時 候 , 話 語 像 孩 子 , 心 思 像 孩 子 , 意 念 像 孩 子 , 既 成 了 人 , 就 把 孩 子 的 事 丟 棄 了 。我 們 如 今 彷 彿 對 著 鏡 子 觀 看 , 糢 糊 不 清 ( 原 文 作 : 如 同 猜 謎 ) ; 到 那 時 就 要 面 對 面了 。 我 如 今 所 知 道 的 有 限 , 到 那 時 就 全 知 道 , 如 同 主 知 道 我 一 樣 。
如 今 常 存 的 有 信 , 有 望 , 有 愛 這 三 樣 , 其 中 最 大 的 是 愛 。]

歌 林 多 前 書 13章 4-13节

im not married and have not experience any of them , im not able to comment about marriage
that is why i have selected a verse from the holy bible for you two

happy second wedding anniversary and wish you have a blessed family

2:54 AM  
Blogger marcusnhl said...

2 of you are head over heels in love.
i am so begrudge. :P
happy anniversary to two of you.

6:15 PM  

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