Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I want to GAIN WeighT~~~~~~~!!!!!

Skinny Girraffe~~
Originally uploaded by sharonkee10
I was skinny ever since the day I was born. When I was small, my aunties said I look like an African kid with mal-nutrition look.. Even after I grow up, I am still skinnyyyyyyy!!

This is the problem that I face for so many years! My students asked me before, "Miss, why you so thin? You didn't eat ah?" So pathetic!

Some of my friends envy me, because no matter how much ice creams, chocolates and junk food I have taken, still there is not much effect on my body shape. But LORD knows how desperate I am to gain more weight!

Nowadays, more and more slimming centres are opening -- means more and more people are trying to make themselves to be thinner (in a lazy way). But I need to be going the opposite way. I am trying to gain weight! So far, I have never heard any weight gaining centre yet! So ironic!

People said eat more sweet food, roti canai, fried chicken and you will get fatter. Take more supper also is another way. But after trying all these methods, I still see no results. :( So anymore better methods to help me gain more weight in the natural way?! Suggestions PLZZZZZ!!!


Blogger marcusnhl said...

haizzz, i never been plump nor lean, just as fit as a fiddle. sometimes having the supermodel body measurement just oust me oust me out from many topics......

10:13 PM  
Blogger DStrike said...

jz ignore the narcissism guy ... =w=

no suggestion >.<
miss Kee ...
wat i can say is envy nia ... T_T

2:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ms kee u should enjoy your bodyfigure not like me overweight since im at primary school ... always look like fat kingkong ... even workout wont work , howeverif u insist on getting more weight , try "weight gain" it is a powder form of high concentration of high calorie ,high protein and other vitamins drinks that specially formulated for body builder.

consume sweets , roti canai etc wont help you fatter instead it accumulate more cholesterol in your body which will kill u sooner . let me point out that skinny people will also die of high cholesterol not only fat person who has higher chance (means not all)can get those diseases .

if want to get fat , go search for smart way , and same goes to fat people , want to get thin , use your brain , drugs wont make u slim and healthy .

although im overweight, i stay healthy in terms of my blood pressure , LDL cholesterol . dont consume food contain high saturated fat and transfat like pork oil , chicken oil , margarine, planta , try to read the ingredient and the nutrition info on the food before buy it .
in my opinion , olive oil /grape seed/ sunflower oil are the perfect selection for our cooking and consuming as it contain the lowest saturated fat which will cause high level LDL cholesterol in our body . however u have to pay more on those " good quality " oil as it has scientifically proven to be a healthier consuming oil .

just my 2cents ... hope u guys wont get bored with my reply lol thx

1:28 AM  
Blogger sHaRoN~~ @_@ said...

Hi Kai Sheong,

Thanks for your comments! It helps a lot! I will try the way you suggested.

REgarding your body size, I have a friend too is borned naturally to be fat. She eat lesser than me (not purposely eat less, just she really eat not much!), do a lot of exercise but still she looks fat.

I am happy I am skinny and thin. But it is too thin already. I wish I can gain weight little bit more. Of coz not until the level too fat.

Anyway, thanks for dropping by and provide me some good suggestions. =)

11:18 PM  
Blogger marcusnhl said...

haizz, i just wish to have your problem, sometime being too perfect might not be good as one think..............

7:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kee... wat i'll suggest u is do some detox first... if ur body has too much sampah... no matter how much u eat or how many nutrients tat u've consume... also NO USE... cos ur body can't absorb!!!

if u're keen to know how to do detox... can contact me any time!!!!


9:48 AM  
Blogger marcusnhl said...

can detox? herself already a toxic. how 2 detox? kekekekekekekeke. so free 2 leave comment but never update any new blog for me to learn English, truly disappointed.

9:20 PM  
Blogger sHaRoN~~ @_@ said...

Hey, you also toxic ma! Bad Ngan! My English very poor la! Don't learn so much broken English from me! :P

10:16 PM  
Blogger ♥ jacqueline ♥ said...

miss kee....i gv u some of my meat la..wan a???T.T....we exchange la.....i think u should sleep after eating...haha..eat more 淀粉 food...ermmm...eat a lot...no hungry also eat~haah..is it an unhealty method?lolz

10:33 PM  
Blogger sHaRoN~~ @_@ said...

Ehh~! WHo are you ler? See your photo cannot recognize you. Coz your lips so "du du" like pigs ;P

10:48 PM  
Blogger ♥ jacqueline ♥ said...

hahaha...so bad la u miss kee...=.=...say my mouth "dudu"
u can click the link to c my blog de ma...then u will know who m i lo...i m kit yin..electronic student (y2m75) last time,but now in kl d...=p

11:23 PM  
Blogger sHaRoN~~ @_@ said...

Aiya, now only notice another photo of yours... Ya, now only can recognize you... :P

11:33 PM  
Blogger ♥ jacqueline ♥ said...

hahaha...finally...u has a good blog...i can improve my english by reading ur blog..hehe

11:58 PM  
Blogger Melanie said...

Pine nuts, olive oil, avacado and sunflowerseeds are good choice of healthy fat ^_^

7:03 AM  

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