Sunday, October 05, 2008

New semester, new hope~

After two weeks holiday (semester break), finally tomorrow back to work. Tomorrow will be my 3rd year, second semester in college to teach. Feel excited, happy as I am going to see my new batch of students on coming Tuesday.

Teaching is part of my career now. Many people may think that teaching is an easy job because we are teaching the same papers, same syllabus (may change little bit only from time to time), teaching on the same thing every year. But for me, this is not only about the teaching, but it is part of knowledge on how to managing people - students. I guess managing people is one of the most difficult knowldge in this world, huh?!

Originally uploaded by sharonkee10
For different semester, different group of students are behave differently. Among 3 schools of students I taught before, I love to teach my Engineering students the most. They are always a group of students who are respecting, initiative, hardworking and attentive during class. It is not to say that my the other two schools' of students (Business School - Marketing students & IT students) are not good, it is just sometimes their behavior and their thinking are little bit weird, I really don't know how to explain all these. Only GOD know when you are in my position.

Sometimes may feel want to give up on those lazy students, but still I not able to let go~ They are my students! I need to teach them, as mentioned before not only to be good and perfect in academic level, but of course how to be a human with proper behavior. Some students may not good in academic, but their attitude is good and enable them to survive "properly" in this reliastic world. I guess the better teaching way is communicate more with students.. To understand their world..

I always love my students. No doubt of it. I am trying my best to improving myself from time to time to be a better quality lecturer, to be a more understanding lecturer. A lecturer who understand my students' needs and a lecturer who which to shape my students becoming a better person.

Even though I grumbling so much about my teaching life, but still I have the moment when I feel contented. The happiest moment of teaching is when you can stand together with your students to take photo with them during their convocation. To share their success, to share all the happiness with them. That is the moment when I feel all the efforts that I have put in fruitful. It is a moment when I feel proud of myself.

Tomorrow is new semester. New semester, new hope. Hope I can get through another 14 weeks of challenging teaching weeks! =)



Blogger Moh Herng said...

Hi, visited your blog.

Glad to know about your thinking about this teaching job.

It is always a challenge to shepherd a person's life. Keep going and you are doing wonderfully !!!

11:36 PM  
Blogger DStrike said...

Ms Kee ...
u like this say ...
we Engineering student will paishe de ... XD
请多多指教 in this sem ... ^^

9:27 PM  
Blogger ♥ jacqueline ♥ said...

ms u wan convocation pic or not??hehee...if u wan,i can send to u....^^ lecturer are the best compare to kl...miss the life when in pg...

11:15 PM  
Blogger sHaRoN~~ @_@ said...

Sure want la.. You all take photos liao then all missing liao.. don't even send any softcopy for me.. Pls send to my email.. thanks.

9:29 PM  

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