Monday, October 06, 2008

What WAS your ambition?!

Smiling Kids~
Originally uploaded by sharonkee10
I got to know that one of my lady student currently working as air stewardess in Korean Air. Read through her blog, she grumbling little bit that the life during the training to become an official air stewardess was really tough. She also wrote to tell me that the job is really tiring (She already completed her training and start to work now) coz the working hour is quite long and can as long as until 14 hours per trip!

But seeing she becoming air stewardess, makes me pondering little while and and I asked my husband a question, " What WAS your real ambition?"

I found that many friends around me not really work on something that they are interested in. The pay may be very high and very good, but they are not happy coz this is not the job they want. I had a friend, she loves music very much. But due to society realistic, culture, and family pressure, she in the end gave up her dream to persue the study in music degree course and currently working in IT field. Is she happy? I guess not.

My ambition was becoming a lawyer. But again due to pressure from my father (he said lawyer this job is not really an ethical career coz sometimes as a lawyer, we have to turn something false into true. Lawyers who read my blog, pls don't put in heart. My father just voiced his opinion only!), i ended up study IT course. But luckier than my friend, I manage to work as lecturer. Even though is not my original ambition, but at least I love my current job. It is a job that TALKS a lot too. :P

I have many other ambitions, but I guess it is hard to become real. I had a dream to become a TV host. Hope that I can sit in front camera, spreading the news to whole country people or even to whole world. I wish I were a chef, that can know how to cook many delicous food. I wish I were a make up artist or beautician too, to help other ladies in beauty knowledge and help to color up their face, make all the ladies to become pretty. My husband always encourage me to take some part time course, e.g. professional make up course, but sometimes too much commitments in life, making me keep on delaying this thoughts.

I guess one of the reasons many people in this country not able to work according to their interest is due to our country's culture too. Different from other country, Malaysia career is more limited. In Japan, a cartonist can earn a lot per annum. In FRance, a drawer can earn and live well. But how about in Malaysia??

Will our future generation ever step on the path we have taken? Work in the field that they never love? Unhappy to stay in their career. Lately read some news in newspaper that more and more small kids (5 - 6 years old) having pyschology problem and need to consult pyschology doctor or even depending on pills and medicine to sleep at night due to too high pressure given by their parents. Ballet class, piano class, tuition class etc making all these small little kids breatheless! They have lost their naive and wonderful childhood! What's wrong with our world now??

LEt's pray that our future generations can find that their smiles, their happiness and their childhood. Parents! DOn't pressure your children too much! Life is not only about becoming a professional or good doctor, lawyer, accountant etc. Life is an enjoyable process too... Let's make our future kids life to be more colorful and happier path!

Give back smiles to our future kids!! Life, always so beautiful~


Blogger cHeNdY said...

I caught u, ms kee!!
will link u up. hahaha
have a nice day.

12:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aiyo, so mny ambition do wat? wan die mer? do chef, do lawyer =.=...superwoman mer, do back your lecturer and dont think too much liao lar XD

From XXX

9:22 AM  
Blogger marcusnhl said...

to be the almighty king, ruler of the universe. conquer mankind, rule the unruled and civilize the uncivilized.

12:51 PM  
Blogger DStrike said...

waaaa ...
Ms Kee ...
nw only know u got so many ambition ... >.<
if u go for lawyer who is goin to teach us ... T_T
we will miss u de ...
although this is the 1st week u teach us ... XD

Fate shuffle the cards ...
but human play the cards ...
jz c how r u goin to play it ...

Mr Ngan ...
wei ...
play too many game d lah ...
u tot command and conquer meh ...

9:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Eh! Who are you? Juz teach you first week only you know my blog liao! So so superb!!

Report your name!

Aiya, even if i dun teach you all, ther will be other lecturer to teach you ma... Don't worry one..

3:41 PM  
Blogger DStrike said...

lolz ...
i m jz 1 of ur so so so so many student ... XD
nid to report name meh ...

6:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

my ambition was to be a vet , however due to parents "advise" i lost my faith and passion over this job and endup in the end of my study world , to be honest IT is not my choice but rather the most suitable course for me due to my result .

not to boast about my self but im a good cook and the food i prepared has been praise by people who enjoy it , i did once tell my parents i want to be a chef but in malaysia it is difficult to be a good renowned chef as i dont think many people spend $$ in restaurant , mostly kopitiam and stores and i dont think that is waht i want to be as a chef .....

conclusion Malaysia is a very "realistic" place , dreams and ambition wont make u food and that is why malaysian is getting sick mentally

12:28 AM  
Blogger sHaRoN~~ @_@ said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

12:54 AM  
Blogger sHaRoN~~ @_@ said...


Agree with you. There are many times when we have our own ambition. But due to society culture, we lost our faith in what we have dreamt for. Being a chef is part a career too. It is not a job that becoming a thief or robbing people, but maybe due to our Cinese "kiasu" mindset plus Malaysia culture here, we becoming somebody that we may not want to be (some ppl may say that chef is not really nice job when you tell ppl)..

I have many other ambitions as mentioned in my blogs.. But in reality, it is hard.. One is from parents pressure, another factor may come from society pressure too.. Cultures, ppl mindset etc making us forget our dream and live in a world that we never want.. =(

12:58 AM  
Blogger sHaRoN~~ @_@ said...


I will know every students name within 3 weeks. So, report your name. I will know who u r later!

1:33 AM  
Blogger DStrike said...

lolz ...
cz u take attendance by calling every 1 name ma ... XD
rly wan report my name ar >.<
promise me u wont langgar me v lorry ... XD
Y2M72 name list second person ...

2:08 AM  
Blogger sHaRoN~~ @_@ said...


I won't langgar you with lorry la.. Don't worry.. I will only gelek Mr Ngan.. You are my student, I love my student one, remember? kekekekeke...

I will check your name later. Anyway, how did you know my blog?

1:08 PM  
Blogger DStrike said...

lolz ...

get ur link from Mr Ngan blog ... =w=

2:36 PM  
Blogger sHaRoN~~ @_@ said...


Oh ok.. Will see who r u later when i take attendance.. Enjoy your semester with me later.. :D

2:44 PM  
Blogger DStrike said...

hope u enjoy this sem v us too ...

7:11 PM  
Blogger ♥ jacqueline ♥ said...

my ambition is to be a fashion choose to study electronic pula..dunno wat can i do in the matter how..i have to finish my advance in this 2 years..and..advance diploma..really kill busy and suffer..T.T...

10:59 PM  

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