Sunday, December 05, 2004

DND!!!! whO waNnA daTES mE???!!!!!

DND!!! whO waNna DateS mE???!!! :P
Originally uploaded by sharonkee10. Next week is the annual dinner and dance event for school of Computer Science... Even though I have graduated, but gladly to say that those juniors still remember me and invite me to that grand event... I am still thinking whether I should go or not go... Because the problem I am facing now is "who will be my partner??" :P

I told my juniors about my problems that I feel doubt of going to this event because of the partner problem... Who knows they said "Aiya.. So easy... Ask you boyfriend to be your partner lar!! You want to find a new partner and dump your boyfriend alone at home mer??" Muahahaha!!! Not I dump my boyfriend at home alone of course, but he won't be in Penang because he already 'dumps' me first in the first place to go for a dinner in KL there... =(=( So sad... Some more he dumped me alone last year, and so does this year... Suddenly feel very funny because all friends around me always have a wrong impression that I am the one who always 'torture' or bully my boyfriend... >_<

So, the question now, who wanna dates me for next week dinner?? I feel like want to go, but I don't really want to go alone... Because I will be the 'super senior' already if I attend... Some more, most of the people who are attending dinner are juniors... Of course, I need somebody to accompany me to that dinner and talk to me... Else if juniors are good enough to talk to me, I also can imagine that they might won't so free... AS most of them are 'busying' in dancing already... Hahaha!!!

Think hard.. Think hard... Should I send out an email asking who wanna dates me for this dinner?? Or I can just ask anybody from among those juniors to be my partners like last year... Or perhaps I should just cancel my thought of attending this dinner... After all, my boyfriend won't be around to accompany me and at the same time I lazy to write any emails or notices to ask for partners... :P So, what shall I do??? =(

Maybe I should use back the same method like last year and ask anybody from juniors to be my partner for next week??? I really don't have any idea... So, just let it be.. Let me only decide on next week Friday... :P:P


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